







徐迎庆博士是清华大学长聘教授,任职于米兰网页版登录入口,米兰(中国)和清华大学未来实验室。目前担任米兰网页版登录入口,米兰(中国)信息艺术设计系教授、清华大学未来实验室主任。他曾担任米兰网页版登录入口,米兰(中国)信息艺术设计系主任 (2012-2019)。加入清华大学之前,他在微软亚洲研究院担任主管研究员,兼任微软-北京电影学院数字化卡通与动漫联合实验室联合主任。

他在用户自然体验设计、沉浸感知与交互设计、触觉认知与交互设计、文化遗产数字化等研究领域开展教学和科研。曾获得清华大学先进工作者、清华教书育人先进个人等称号,多次获得清华大学以及米兰网页版登录入口,米兰(中国)的优秀硕士、博士论文指导教师。他在国际会议和学术期刊上发表近百篇学术论文,申请了数十项国内外专利,有多项研究成果被应用于实际产品之中。他曾负责或参加了包括国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)、国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金等多项文化创意设计相关的科研课题。还参与了多项文化创意产业领域的研究和设计工作, : 杭州G20灯光展示设计、数字故宫展馆设计、故宫《走进清明上河图》沉浸式多媒体音画展示系统设计、敦煌文化遗产数字化等。他努力探索基于学科交叉的设计创新理论与方法,并做出了积极的努力,例如:根据世界卫生组织2020年的数据,全球视力受损人数2.53亿,我国有盲人1763万(中国残疾人联合会,2019年)。盲人在学校不仅需要学习盲文也需要学习数学、几何、化学、物理等。他领导团队坚持十多年,研发了盲人专用计算机,其大幅面触觉图形终端有可以凸起和收回的点阵。盲人通过触摸这些凸起点阵所组成的盲文或触觉图形来阅读文字和认知图形。该设备可以在盲人学校、图书馆、博物馆等场景下广泛使用,该成果入选2019年中国设计权利榜并获年度健康设计奖。此外,他带领团队构建嗅觉检测及交互应用平台、人类日常情感和行为理解计算平台、人类情感交流数据库、面向终身学习的智能硬件、面向智慧农业的果蔬味道数据库等。从20193月起,他担任2022冬奥会概念性创意设计方案研究团队的负责人;该团队提出了一系列面向科技冬奥的创新设计应用建议,其中多项建议被相关部门采纳并立项实施。

他曾服务于多个国际学术会议,分别担任会议联合主席/程序委员会主席或委员等, 曾多次应邀发表大会主题报告和演讲。他是中国计算机学会会士、中国美术家协会会员、以及国际电器电子工程师协会(IEEE)高级会员。

















Honorable Mention Award of ACM conference on Designing Interactive Systems 2020DIS 2020Qi Lu, Wan Liang, Hao Wu, Kaixin Huang, Haipeng Mi, and Ying-Qing Xu



The Best Video Award of Asia Haptics 2018Yang Jiao, Xiaobo Lu, Ying-Qing Xu

Nicolas D. Georganas Best Paper Award of ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, & Applications2017, Xuyong Yang, Tao Mei, Ying-Qing Xu, Yong Rui, Shipeng Li




基于数字化嗅觉的新媒体艺术作品TriNose (路奇、高家思、贾艳红、彭宇、徐迎庆);第22届米兰国际三年展(2019);









5.马晓娜、图拉、徐迎庆(通讯作者),《非物质文化遗产数字化发展现状》, SCIENTIA SINICA Information. 2019年3月


7.焦阳、张虹、徐迎庆、鲁晓波,《基于情感的触觉研究及交互设计》第十四届和谐人机环境联合会议(HHME2018).天津, 2018.09

8.米海鹏、王濛、卢秋宇、徐迎庆(通讯作者),《实物用户界面:起源、发展与研究趋势》中国科学:信息科学48, 390 (2018 ); doi: 10.1360/N112017-00227.

9.龚江涛、於文苑、曲同、刘烨、傅小兰、徐迎庆,《影响触觉图像识别因素的量化分析》计算机辅助设计与图形学学报(Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics).

10.付心仪、刘世霞、徐迎庆,《信息可视化的发展与思考》《装饰》杂志. 2017.4

11.焦阳、龚江涛、徐迎庆,《盲人触觉图像显示器Graile设计研究》[J].装饰, 2016 (1): 94-96.

12.焦阳、龚江涛、史元春、徐迎庆,《盲人触觉图形显示器的交互体验研究》,计算机辅助设计与图形学学报28.9 (2016): 1571-1576.



15.王天树、郑南宁、徐迎庆、沈向洋,《人体运动非监督聚类分析》,软件学报, 2003, 14 (02): 209-214

16.王天树、郑南宁、李岩、徐迎庆、沈向洋,《用于动态序列合成的基于核密度估计的隐马尔科夫模型》,计算机学报, 2003, 26(02): 153-159

17.王天树、郑南宁、李岩、徐迎庆、沈向洋,《用于人体运动合成的运动纹理模型》,计算机辅助设计与图形学学报, 2003, 15 (01): 131-131

18.王天树、郑南宁、李岩、徐迎庆、沈向洋,《用于动态序列合成的运动纹理模型》,计算机学报, 2003, 26 (10): 1241-1247







1. Xinyi Fu, Yaxin Zhu, Zhijing Xiao, Ying-Qing Xu, and Xiaojuan Ma. 2020. RestoreVR: Generating Embodied Knowledge and Situated Experience of Dunhuang Mural Conservation via Interactive Virtual Reality. In Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 20). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 1–13.

2. Qi Lu, Wan Liang, Hao Wu, Kaixin Huang, Haipeng Mi, and Ying-Qing Xu. Exploring Potential Scearios and Design through A Camera-like Physical Odor Capture Prototype. ACM conference on Designing Interactive Systems 2020 (DIS 2020). Honorable Mention Award (5% of the submissions)

3. Y Jiao, Y-Q Xu, X Lu. Affective Haptics Research and Interaction Design.International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. Springer, Cham, 2019: 134-143.

4. Qi Lu, Shao-en Ma, Jiayin Li, Haipeng Mi, Ying-Qing Xu (通讯作者). IRelics: Designing a Tangible Interaction Platform. TEI '19: Thirteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction. 2019.03, Arizona, USA

5. Mengxing Ao, Ying-Qing Xu. Epistemic Ecology: An Artwork of Gigapixel Imagery and Ideas. Leonardo. Volume 52, Issue 2, April 2019. p.175-176

6. Yang Jiao, Xiaobo Lu, Y-Q Xu. A Graphical Tactile Display for the Visually Impaired. Proceedings of Asia Haptics 2018. (The Best Video Award) Seoul, Korea, 2018.11

7. Meng Wang, Haipeng Mi, Yejun Liu, Ying-Qing Xu. POLYHINGE: SHAPE CHANGING TUI ON TABLETOP. 11th International Conference on Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction. 21 – 23 July 2017 Lisbon, Portugal

8. Meng Wang, Kehua Lei, Zhichun Li, Haipeng Mi, Ying-Qing Xu. TwistBlocks:Pluggable and Twistable Modular TUI for Armature Interaction in 3D Design. TEI 2018, March 2018, Sweden

9. Jiangtao Gong, Yin Shi, Jue Wang, Danqing Shi, Ying-Qing Xu. (2018). Escape from the Dark Jungle: A 3D Audio Game for Emotion Regulation. DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-91584-5_5.收录于:《虚拟、增强和混合现实》Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality: Applications in Health Cultural Heritage, and Industry. Pp.57-76

10. Wei Ma, Qiuyuan Wang, Danqing Shi, Shuo Liu, Congxin Cheng, Qingyuan Shi, Qiong Li, Tong Li, Ying-Qing, Xu. Walking into ancient paintings with virtual candles. Proceedings of the 24th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology. November 2018 Article No.: 135 Pages 1–2。

11. X. Y. Fu, Y. Han, Z. J. Sun, X. J. Ma, Y-Q. Xu. LINE-DRAWING ENHANCED INTERACTIVE MURAL RESTORATION FOR DUNHUANG MOGAO GROTTOES. ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume IV-2/W2, 2017. The 26th International CIPA Symposium 2017, 28 August–01 September 2017, Ottawa, Canada

12. Guanbin Li, Sai Bi, Jue Wang, Y-Q Xu, Yizhou Yu. ColorSketch: A Drawing Assistant for Generating Color Sketches from Photos. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 38(3):70-81 · May 2017

13. Xuyong Yang, Tao Mei, Ying-Qing Xu, Yong Rui, Shipeng Li. Automatic Generation of Visual-Textual Presentation Layout. ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (TOMM), Volume 12 Issue 2, March 2016 Article No. 33 (ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications. Nicolas D. Georganas Best Paper Award 2017)

14. Y. Wu, T. Mei, Y-Q Xu, N. Yu, and S. Li. MoVieUp: Automatic Mobile Video Mashup. Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 2015

15. C. Wang, Y. Su, J. Tao, M. Wang, Y. Jiao, S. Sun, X. Huang, K. Fang, Y. Wang, J. Gu, S. Yan, L. Zhang, H. Mi, Y-Q. Xu and K. Yu. DUBIKE: AN INTERACTIVE SMART BIKE. Chinese CHI 2015 Design Special Track. 2015

16. M. Ao, Y-Q. Xu et al. EPISTEMIC ECOLOGY: AN ARTWORK OF GIGAPIXEL IMAGE. Chinese CHI 2015 Design Special Track. 2015

17. Y. Zhao, X. Jin, Y-Q. Xu, H. Zhao, A. Meng, K. Zhou. Parallel Style-aware Image Cloning for Artworks. Accepted by Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 2014.

18. J. Sang, T. Mei, Y-Q. Xu, C. Zhao, C. Xu, S. Li. Interaction Design for Mobile Visual Search. ACM TRANSACTIONS ON MULTIMEDIA. Vol.3(1) 2013

19. H. Chen, H. Tang, Z. Wang, P. Cui, Y-Q. Xu, S. Yang. EventLens: An Automatic Magazine Generating System for Social Media. International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII 2013)

20. L. Lin, K. Zeng, Y. Wang, Y-Q. Xu, S. Zhu. Video Stylization: Painterly Rendering and Optimization with Content Extraction. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY, VOL. 23, NO. 4, APRIL 2013.

21. W. Ma, Y. Wang, Y-Q. Xu, Q. Li, W. Gao. Annotating Traditional Chinese Paintings For Immersive Virtual Exhibition. ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage, Vol5 (2):6 2012. (ACM Notable Paper 2012)

22. W. Luo, Z. Lu, X. Wang, Y-Q. XU, M. Ben-Ezra, X. Tang. Synthesizing Oil Painting Surface Geometry From A Single Photograph. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. Page (885-892), 2012

23. W. Zhao, J. Chai, Y-Q. Xu. Combining Marker-based Mocap and RGB-D Camera For Acquiring High-fidelity Hand Motion Data. International Symposium on Computer Animation 2012,Page:33-42

24. J Zhuang, T Mei, S C. H. Choi, Y-Q Xu, S Li. “When Recommendation Meets Mobile: Contextual and Personalized Recommendation On The Go,” ACM International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (UBICOMP), Beijing, China, pp. 153-162, Sept. 2011.

25. B. Wang, Y. Yu, Y-Q. Xu. Example-Based Image Color and Tone Style Enhancement. SIGGRAPH 2011.

26. L. Lin, K. Zeng, Y. Lv, Y. Wang, Y-Q. Xu, and S. C. Zhu et al. Painterly Animation Using Video Semantics and Feature Correspondence. NPAR 2010 (Runner Up of the Best Paper Award)

27. B. Wang, Y. Yu, Y-Q. Xu. Data-Driven Image Color Theme Enhancement. SIGGRAPH Asia 2010.

28. B. Zhang, Q. Li, H. Chao, B., Chen, E. Ofek, and Y-Q. Xu. Annotating and Navigating Tourist Videos. ACM GIS 2010, November 2-5, 2010.

29. M. Lau, J. Chai, Y-Q. Xu, H-Y. Shum. Face Poser: Interactive Modeling of 3D Facial Expressions Using Facial Priors. ACM Transactions on Graphics, 29(1), 2009

30. X. Chen, B. Neubert, Y-Q. Xu, O. Deussen, S. B. Kang. Sketch-based Tree Modeling Using Markov Random Field. SIGGRAPH Asia 2008. Transactions on Graphics (TOG). Volume 27 Issue 5.

31. Q. Luan, S. Drucker, J. Kopf, Y-Q. Xu, M. Cohen. Annotating Gigapixel Images. ACM UIST (ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology) 2008, Monterey, CA, USA, Oct. 19-22, 2008

32. S. Chen, Y. Tian, F. Wen, Y-Q. Xu, and X. Tang. EasyToon: an Easy and Quick Tool to Personalize a Cartoon Storyboard Using Face Photos. ACM Multi-Media 2008. Oct. 27-31, Vancouver, BC, Canada

33. X. Chen, S. B. Kang, Y-Q. Xu, J. Dorsey, H-Y. Shum. Sketching Reality: Realistic interpretation of architectural designs. ACM Transactions on Graphics. April, 2008,Vol. 27(2)

34. M. Oka, K. Kato, Y. Xu, L. Liang, and F. Wen. Scribble-a-Secret: Similarity-Based Password Authentication Using Sketches. ICPR (International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Tampa, Dec. 8-11, 2008. Florida, USA.

35. W. Tong, C-K. Tang, M. S. Brown, Y-Q. Xu: Example-Based Cosmetic Transfer. Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications 2007: 211-218

36. Q. Luan, F. Wen, Y-Q. Xu: Color Transfer Brush. Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications 2007: 465-468

37. Q. Luan, F. Wen, D. Cohen-Or, L. Liang, Y-Q. Xu, H-Y. Shum. Natural Image Colorization. EuroGraphics Symposium on Rendering 2007

38. F. Wen, Q. Luan, L. Liang, Y-Q. Xu, and H-Y. Shum. Color Sketch Generation. NPAR2006 (International Symposium on Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering), Annecy, France. June 5-7, 2006.

39. L. Liang, F. Wen, Y-Q. Xu, X. Tang, H-Y. Shum: Accurate Face Alignment using Shape Constrained Markov Network. CVPR (1) 2006: 1313-1319

40. D. Cohen-Or, O. Sorkine, R. Gal, T. Leyvand, Y-Q. Xu: Color Harmonization. ACM TOG. SIGGRAPH 2006

41. S. Xu, Y-Q. Xu, S. B. Kang, D. Salesin, Y. Pan, H-Y. Shum: Animating Chinese Paintings Through Stroke-based Decomposition. ACM TOG. 25(2): 239-267 (2006)

42. L. Liang , F. Wen , X. Tang. and Y-Q. Xu . An Integrated Model for Accurate Shape Alignment. ECCV 2006, Graz, Austria, May 7 - 13, 2006 ECCV(4) 33-346

43. V. Setlur, Y-Q. Xu, X. Chen, B. Gooch: Retargeting vector animation for small devices. Proceedings of the 4th Int'l Conf. on Mobile & Ubiquitous Multimedia: 2005, 69-77

44. J. Wang, C. Wu, Y-Q. Xu , H-Y. Shum: Combining Shape and Physical Models for Online Cursive Handwriting Synthesis. IJDAR 7(4): 219-227 (2005)

45. H. Chen, Z. Liu, C. Rose, Y-Q. Xu, H-Y. Shum, D. Salesin: Example-based composite sketching of human portraits. NPAR 2004. Page: 95-153

46. J. Wang, Y-Q. Xu, H-Y. Shum, and M. F. Cohen. Video Tooning. ACM Trans. on Graphics. SIGGAPH2004.

47. C. Wu, C. Liu, H-Y. Shum, Y-Q. Xu, Z. Zhang. Automatic Eyeglasses Removal from Face Images. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Volume 26 (3), Page: 322-336, March 2004

48. Y. Chen; S. Lin, H. Zhong; Y-Q. Xu, B. Guo, H-Y. Shum. Realistic Rendering and Animation of Knitwear. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol. 9 (1), Page(s): 43-55,March 2003

49. Y. Chen, Y-Q. Xu, B. Guo, and H-Y. Shum. Modeling and Rendering of Realistic Feather. SIGGRAPH 2002

50. H. Chen, N. Zheng, L. Liang , Y. Li, Y-Q. Xu, H-Y. Shum. PicToon: a personalized image-based cartoon system. ACM Multimedia 2002




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